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Leading technical solutions at biointerfaces

Exciting Opportunity: Nominate Leaders for SIBF's 2025 Board of Directors and Officers!

Do you know a chapter member with exceptional leadership potential? Someone whose skills are just waiting to be unleashed? We’re on the lookout for passionate, dedicated individuals who go above and beyond in everything they do. This is your chance to help shape the future of SIBF by nominating those who have what it takes to lead our chapter into 2025 and beyond! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to recognize and elevate our next great leaders. Nominate today!

You may nominate individuals (including yourself) through
Friday, September 15, 2024 at 11:59pm.

Send your nomination to our administrative team at

What are the qualifications?

Before you make your nominations, review this page of Board position descriptions, duties of the Board, Board member qualifications.

How many positions are open?

A total of 3 positions will be open:

Graduate Student Representative



Contact Info

Surfaces in Biomaterials Foundation
1502 W Broadway, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: 612-351-2365

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